Court Information

Court Details
Court's Name Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Release Name NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7.2
ECF Go Live Date 10/07/2006
Maximum PDF File Size (MB) 20
Maximum Merge Document Size (MB) 4
RSS Feed
Docket entries of type: all
Entries made in the last 24 hours - Public Users
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Court Locations
Court's Name Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Court's Address Philadelphia Office -- 900 Market Street Suite 400, Philadelphia, PA 19107; Reading Office -- The Gateway Building, 201 Penn Street, Room 103, Reading, PA 19601
Court's Phone Number NextGen - Phil (215)408-2840, Reading -- (610)208-5060, HelpDesk -- System -- 215-408-2860, Operations -- 215-408-2826, 215- 408-2827, Reading -- 610-208-5060
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours Philadelphia Office -- 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M; Reading Office -- 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

PACER Details
PACER Address PACER Service Center, PO Box 780549, San Antonio TX 78278-0549
PACER Phone Number 800-676-6856
PACER Email Address

Flag Definitions
707(b)707(b)Presumed Abuse
727OBJObjection to the Discharge of the Debtor
ADDCHGChange of Address
ARBITRATIONArbitration Flag
ARCHIVECase Archived
AWAIT_CLOSINGAwaiting Closing
AdmFeeWAIVEDMiscellaneous Administrative Fee Waived
BARDEBTORBarred Debtor
CLAIMSClaims have been docketed to this case
CONSConsolidated Case
CONVERTEDCase Converted
COSETTIJudge Cosetti
CounDueCredit Counseling Certification not Filed
CredAddAdd the new address to the creditor list
DECREEDecree Entered
DEFERFee Deferred
DISCHARGEDDischarge flag
DISMISSEDDismissed Flag
DISPOAPDisposition of Adversary
DSODomestic Support Obligation
DirAplDirect Appeal
DsclsDueDisclosure Statement Due
ExhibitsCase had exhibits.
FITZGERALDJudge Fitzgerald
FUNDSFunds Deposited in Court Registry
FederalExemptionFederal Exemption
FeeDueFees Due
FeeDueINSTInstallment Payment Due
IFPIFP fee Waived
INTRAIntra-Distict Transfer
JMDCChief Judge Coleman Case
JNTADMNJointly Administered
LEADLead Case
M1519Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519
M1521/1507Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507
MEANSTMPEXTemporary exclusion from means test for reservists and national guard
MEMBERJNTMember of Jointly Administered Case
NTCAPRNotice of Appearance
OBJ1515Objection to Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515
OBJ1519Objection to Provisional Relief Section 1519
OBJ1521/1507Objection to Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507
OBJDISCHObjection to Discharge
ORD1515Order on Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515
ORD1519Order on Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519
ORD1521/1507Order on Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507
ObjClmValuationObjection to Claim Valuation
OvrrideAddress Overide
PHYS_ST_ADDRDebtor Physical Street Address
PRIORBARBarred in prior filing
PRVDISCHDebtor previously discharged - DO NOT DISCHARGE
PlnDuePlan Due
PlnPmtCompleteCompletion of Plan Payments
ProSeESROpened from an eSR package
REAFReaffirmation hearing - DO NOT DISCHARGE
REOPENEDReopened Case
RETAIN_CASECourt Retained Jurisdiction
ReafHdShpPresumption of undue hardship in reaff agrmt. - DO NOT DISCHARGE
Repeat-PAEBprior BK filing within this court
Repeat-paeb-liveprior BK filing within this court
RepeatPACERprior BK filing identified by Pacer Case Locator
ReqSepNtcDebtor's Request for Separate Notice
SEALED_DOCDocument under Seal
SPLITCASEJoint Case Severed
STOP_POCStop Proof of Claim
SkipPriorRelCaseSkip AJT assignment because the case has a prior or related case
SmBusSmall Business
StateExemptionState Exemption
StopAssignmentStop Case Assignment
StopAutoCloseStop Auto. Close
Subchapter_VChapter 11, Subchapter V
TRANSINCase Transferred into the District
TRANSOUTCase Transferred Out of District
TRFINRPTChapter 13 Trustee's Final Report Closed Completed
TaxReqTax Information Request
USC1328iOrder on Motion Under 11 U.S.C. 1328(i)
WithXMLDataA code to track cases opened with XML data
eSROpened from an eSR package

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